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DaylindoSolution de suivi et d'évaluation des compétences acquises dans l’exercice du travail
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DaylindoSolution de suivi et d'évaluation des compétences acquises dans l’exercice du travail
Daylindo empowers businesses to scale workplace training effectively.
Numerous skill-related challenges exist: enhancing expertise, addressing workforce shortages, passing on professional practices, onboarding new team members, optimizing ongoing training, and reskilling employees.
Professional skills are primarily acquired through hands-on experience and workplace guidance.
Daylindo combines a proven approach with a SAAS platform designed to organize, deploy, and track on-the-job training at scale.
Interested in leveraging workplace training and enhancing your team's skills? Contact us now at the following email address: contact@daylindo.com
Chiffres clef
Fondé en 2017
De 10 à 50 collaborateurs
Siège social - Paris, France
5 clients référencés sur Good one
Chiffres clef
Fondé en 2017
De 10 à 50 collaborateurs
Siège social - Paris, France
5 clients référencés sur Good one
Daylindo empowers businesses to scale workplace training effectively.
Numerous skill-related challenges exist: enhancing expertise, addressing workforce shortages, passing on professional practices, onboarding new team members, optimizing ongoing training, and reskilling employees.
Professional skills are primarily acquired through hands-on experience and workplace guidance.
Daylindo combines a proven approach with a SAAS platform designed to organize, deploy, and track on-the-job training at scale.
Interested in leveraging workplace training and enhancing your team's skills? Contact us now at the following email address: contact@daylindo.com
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La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée
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Références clientsLes clients d'Alan les plus regardés
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Moulins Soufflet
Industrie manufacturière
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Voir les solutions
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Technologie, information et médias
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